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The Ancient Civilizations of Willtron: Lunis

 Willtron is a home to various Ancient Rich-cultured civilizations among which the most important and powerful empire was The Lunis. In some point of time, this strong, world-ruling country of Lunis was just a small village sized country in the vast Southern continent of Redneutroprunt. Now, WE SHALL EXPLORE THE RUINS OF THE GREAT LUNICAN EMPIRE. But, millions of years ago, it appeared to be the most developed country in Willtron in the Yasdentron Galaxy. ________________________                                     THE LEGENDARY LUNIS 364 B.C - 12 B.C:- The position of Lunis in the old Map of Redneutroprunt                                   About 11,678 years ago in around 346 B.C., Lord Loonar of Merjvis (a town in Bredland) discovered the great Lunican empire. Lunis, however, was not so great from birth. Lord Loonar gave Lunis its name after himself and left for Bredland. Then, Lunis was like a small village or a group of uneducated people. Thus, the people knew each other’s characte