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Showing posts from September, 2020

তাজপুর ভ্রমণ 🏖🏖

                  🏖🏖 তাজপুর ভ্রমণ 🏖🏖 এই করোনা আবহাওয়ায় ঘরে বসে বসে পায়ে জং ধরে গেলো। আর ভালো লাগে না। তাই আমার জেঠু (জেঠামশাই) , জেম্মা (জেঠিমা) , পিসু (পিসেমশাই) , পিসি , দাদু  ও নেহা দিদি সবাই প্ল্যান করেছিলো তাজপুর যাবার।  এবার জেঠু আমাকে বললো, ''কি? তুই ও কি যাবি ?'' আমি আর এই সুযোগ ছাড়ি? সটাং হ্যাঁ  বলে দিলাম। তবে মা বাবা   যাচ্ছিলো না। তাহলে তো আরো বেশি মজা! ১৯ তারিখে যাওয়ার কথা ছিল।   যাবার সময় মায়ের জন্য মন কেমন করছিলো ও বাবাকে ছেড়ে যেতেও ইচ্ছা করছিলো না। কিন্তু আমি জানতাম যে এ বেড়াতে যাওয়া বেশি দিনের নয়। শনিবার যাচ্ছি, এই তো সোমবার ফিরে এসব।  গাড়ি তে করে সকাল ৮টার সময় সুলতান , রাঞ্চো , থিয়া , বেনজি (আমার পোষ্যরা), মা   ও বাবাকে টাটা করতে করতে বেরিয়ে  পড়লাম।  কি লম্বা রাস্তা! চলছে তো চলছেই, চলছে তো চলছেই!  খুব আনন্দ   হচ্ছিলো - শুধু একটা জিনিস আমার একদমই পছন্দ হচ্ছিলো না।  নেহা দিদি ১০০%    💯❗ Volume-এ গান চালিয়ে রেখে ছিল ...

Mahalaya Is Here!

  শুভ মহালয়া! On this grand day of Mahalaya, I write a comical play of the battle between Maa Durga and Mahishashur. This day is a very holy day for the Bengali-Hindus and it's said that Maa Durga descended on  Earth on this day to fight Mohishashoor. People have a festive feeling as Durga Puja is near. This year, it is being celebrated on 17th of September that is today! I hope the play would be liked by you all.                                    ACT 1 {SCENE - 1} MAHISHASHUR ( Meditating on the top of the mountain )-OM! NAMASHIWAY! BRAHMA ACHHATAH! BRAHMA -WHAT DO YOU WANT, CHILD? YOU'RE STANDING HERE FOR SO MANY YEARS  LIKE THIS WITHOUT EATING, DRINKING AND BATHING! MAHISHASHUR - I WANT TO BE IMMORTAL!! NO LIVING CREATURE CAN KILL ME, NOT EVEN HARM ME! HA! HA!! HA!!! BRAHMA - Hmmm....NO YOU CAN NOT GET IT! MAHISHASHUR - THEN, I HAVE BEEN WAITING HERE IN THOSE HARSH CONDITIO...


 Hello, everyone! I hope you remember what had happened in the last part - Emperor Webllerre Hawkins clapped his hands and in a moment,  Cottle Reffdart - the Sirlanese Prime Minister was dragged by two savage men into the prison. Now here is the second part, the most exciting one!! -- ADVENTURES OF COTTLE REFFDART                       PART-2                        ( SOLUTION ) Cottle was in prison thinking how to get out of that nasty place. He had been overhearing one of the guards there, saying that the emperor had decided to destroy, demolish and conquer Sirlane by attacking New Traffelmourde City . Invasion was the most probable thing which could happen. Days passed by and the day came when the war was about to restart. All soldiers were in their position waiting for the trumpet to sound. The Emperor had captured Cottle Reffdart such that no news of t...

Adventures of Cottle Reffdart Part 1/2

            Do you know anything about Sirlane? I do not expect the answer "YES!" because it is a country in a completely imaginary world I myself have created. You can find everything from continents to constitutions, from jewellery to traditional clothes, from monarchy to democracy, etc., etc., etc. in that very world which I have named "WILLTRON". Those are my own oceans and seas and continents and countries. Everything is imaginary. I've got an extract from the whole 537 light years large planet of Willtron - A story of Sirlane and its neighbouring enemy country of Prislane. Remember, nothing is real, huh? GO AHEAD, HERE IT IS! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???? ADVENTURES OF  COTTLE REFFDART                                     PART-I SIRLANESE NATIONAL EMBLEM Characters In This Story:- Cottle Reffdart He is the Sirlanese Prime Minister trusted by Kin...

The Stars- More Than To Be Written As A Poem

It is wonderful to see stars shining and twinkling in the night sky. They look like angels who are watching us from the faraway galaxies. A star is more than a mystery. It seems as if they mix with the air and thus, spirits who are in the air get a companion and hence, are very happy. I decided to write a short poem about the stars though I know that their beauty is beyond words. STARS ARE WONDERFUL- ------------------X------------------